- How far along?: 25 Weeks
- Baby is the size of a: acorn squash (13 in, 1 1/2 lbs) (according to WTE Pregnancy)
- Total weight gain/loss: +8
- Stretch Marks? Still looking good with no new stretch marks this pregnancy. You can't even see the ones I had with Emma.
- The Bump: I think the belly band will be go away soon. I'm growing fast now.
- Symptoms: I'm back to being exhausted. We had a busy week!
- Food Cravings: Cheese fries. If we go out to eat, I definitely look to see if they are on the menu. I still want sweets all the time as well.
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: I still have issues with pork sometimes, specifically bbq pork.
- Sleep: Emma is back to sleeping through the night. (We had to sleep train again from vacation) That means I'm getting sleep! It's been great.
- What I miss: A good cocktail...it's bee a long week!
- Weddings Rings On or Off: On.
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: We've thrown a few out, but not many.
- Gender: It's a surprise :)
- Movement: Baby is really moving a lot this week.
- Maternity Clothes: I wear a lot of PinkBlush Maternity (my fave) and anything comfortable.
- Labor Signs: No!
- Best Moment of the Week: Getting out of the house with Emma this week has been so fun! She's been to the children's museum, three times this week, we went to the splash park with our neighbors and to a cupcake contest with Daddy. We attempted the aquarium, but it was hot and busy. Maybe next week!
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25 Weeks | Baby Funk 2
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
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