Third Trimester | Twins Bumpdate

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Twins Bumpdate: It's baby time!

How far along?
Currently 37 weeks!  I obviously haven't blogged in almost two months and with good reason.  I've been exhausted, we moved out of state, I was put on partial bed rest and I have two toddlers at home to take care of.  The last few months have flown by and to be completely honest, I haven't been motivated to blog.  I know I will regret this, so here I am with what will be my last #bumpdate!

Babies are the size of?
Ummm....they are huge!  At least for twins.  My OB has been so impressed with their growth and they are both measuring the same. (17in each; 6lbs each)

Total weight gain/loss?
20lbs - I know this probably doesn't seem like a lot in my situation, but I was around 15lbs overweight when I got pregnant due to the miscarriage I had last Summer.

Are you showing?
I finally had to ask my husband to help me put my socks and shoes on.  I can barely put on pants by myself anymore.  I bump into everything.

For the first time this pregnancy, I am waking up so hungry in the middle of the night.  I am basically eating anything and everything and still have a pretty bad sweet tooth.

I get decent sleep maybe once every two to three nights.  The other nights I am up every two hours and it takes me at least 45 minutes to fall back asleep.

Where do I start.  My feet are still very swollen, I've started having some crazy, painful contractions, heartburn, I'm waddling, stretch marks like you wouldn't believe and back pain.  Seriously, all the pregnancy symptoms.
TWINS GIRLS!  If you haven't seen our gender reveal, you can watch the video here and read my blog post here.

My stomach looks like a scene from an alien movie.  It's crazy how much they are both moving.  Baby B moves way more than Baby A.

Mood this month?
Anxious! We are so ready for our twins to be here.

Best moments of July and August?
I don't know where to start!  I turned 31.  We bought our home in Indiana.  I finally met my new OB which was a huge relief.   I had a mommy daughter date with my oldest. We enjoyed Kentucky and the girls swam pretty much every day.  We were finally reunited with my husband who was finishing up work in Florida.  My MIL moved in with us to help with my girls since I was put on partial bed rest.  At 33 weeks I was already dilated 3cm and we prepared ourselves for a stay in NICU.  I became a contributor for Gugu Guru, an online parenting resource!  I've had several OB appointments and each time, the twins are doing great.  I did end up in triage for false labor once and another time to check out a possible blood clot.  I finally had a date night with my husband (probably our last one before the babies come).  We celebrated my husband's birthday and have basically just been enjoying being in our park yard since I'm limited on what I can do.

We are thrilled to finally meet our girls next week when I'll be induced at 38 weeks!


A fun campaign I did with Dominos and Gugu Guru!

1 comment:

  1. I miss my friends. You are beautiful and I'm so excited for this new journey for you guys can't wait to meet your new additions!!
