- How far along?: 35 Weeks
- Baby is the size of a: pineapple (20 in, 5.5 lbs) (according to WTE Pregnancy)
- Total weight gain/loss: +20
- Stretch Marks? Well, it finally happened. I'm a little bummed that I got stretch marks, but they are still very tiny so I know they won't be noticeable. This baby is worth every single one, so I'm not complaining. Still using Mustela and BioOil.
- The Bump: I don't feel like I've gotten much bigger...or maybe it's just wishful thinking.
- Symptoms: I've been a little moody this week. Thank goodness Michael is so understanding!
- Food Cravings: I'm not really craving anything this week, but it has been hard not to dig into all the Halloween candy we have for next weekend.
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope.
- Sleep: Other than still getting up a million times in the middle of the night, sleep is pretty decent.
- What I miss: Cooler weather. I could really go for some right now. Florida needs to get with it...especially with my hormones out of control.
- Weddings Rings On or Off: On.
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: I think we have narrowed it down to a few that we both agree on, but that could change. Michael doesn't like what I like and I don't like what he likes. Lol.
- Gender: We've still managed to keep it a surprise from my family and friends. Of course, if you've been keeping up with my posts, you know that Michael already let it out to his family.
- Movement: I'm still enjoying all the movement baby is doing. I just wish it wasn't so much before bed!
- Maternity Clothes: Oh, yes! Thank goodness for Target and PinkBlush Maternity clothing.
- Labor Signs: I've started having a few contractions in the evenings, but I don't think labor will be any time soon. They are not bad at all and only about 2 or 3 all night.
- Best Moment of the Week: This weekend we got to spend time with our friends and their boys at the pumpkin patch. We had such a good time. We let them nap afterwards and then did a little pumpkin painting. Later that evening we went to Halloween Happening and they got to dress up in their costumes. Emma was worn out by the end of all of it!

Corn Maze |
Feeling: Thankful!
What I'm excited about/looking forward to: Emma's second Halloween next week and her first time to go out! We will also have some friends over again this year and a cookout, which is always fun!
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